Your Card, Your Rules. It’s your card, you should be able to decide when and where it gets used. Now you can. Introducing CardValet. It’s a mobile app that allows you to take control of your CHCU debit card.
The power to manage your cards on-the-go is now in the palm of your hand with the CardValet mobile app.
- See transactions in real time with instant alerts.
- Turn payments on or off, which is handy when you can’t locate your card.
- Set a location (geographic) boundary where the card can be used.
- Restrict card use to certain types of business. (Enable grocery store while turning off restaurants.)
- Curb spending by setting a purchase amount limit.
Download the CardValet app and take control of your cards today!
CardValet is a registered trademark of Fiserv, Inc. App store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android, Google Play, and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc. Data charges may apply. Check with your mobile phone carrier for details. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc, registered in the U.S. and other countries. Copyright © 2019 Community Healthcare CU. All rights reserved.
CardValet® FAQs
- Q: What types of phones are supported by CardValet?
- A: CardValet works with Android™ and iPhone® devices.
- Q: Does CardValet work for ATM cards?
- A: No. CardValet currently only supports debit cards and credit cards.
- Q: What is included in “Spent this month?”
- A: The total amount is calculated from the cumulative spending for a specific card and displays on the back of that card. At the end of the month, the total resets to zero (0). Deposits and refunds are deducted from the total.
- Q: On the Login Screen, why is the message “Logon Failed. Please enter a valid username and password” displaying even though the member is entering the correct password?
- A: Each time the cardholder enters an incorrect user name or password, this message displays. On the third attempt, the account is disabled. For security reasons, the message continues to display even if the cardholder enters the correct user name/password.
To reset, go to mConsole | On Behalf Of | Enable Account. - Q: Can multiple cards be linked to one registered CardValet account?
- A: Yes. You can register multiple CHCU cards within a single CardValet app. Additional cards can be added within the Menu>Manage Portfolio>Add Card screen.
- Q: What is the purpose of selecting a primary device?
- A: The primary device is used to track the GPS for My Location alerts and controls. Additionally, all merchant and threshold alerts are sent to the primary device. All devices that have registered a particular card can view or change the CardValet settings for that card.
- Q: If I receive a reissued or replacement card, will I have to update my cards within the app?
- A: It depends. If the card number does not change, no. If the card number is new, yes. Add the new card number to the cardholder’s profile.
Unmanage the old card through the CardValet app | Manage Portfolio. Uncheck all cards and accounts and tap OK. - Q: What is the range of the My Location controls, and does it impact internet transactions?
- A: 5-mile radius of the primary device. My Location impacts card-present transactions only, therefore internet transactions are not impacted.
- Q: If My Location is set but the primary device is off, are transactions denied outside of the My Location area?
- A: It depends. CardValet ignores location information that is more than 8 hours old. So, if your phone is off for more than 8 hours, My Location controls do not take effect, and the transaction will not be denied.
- Q: What happens if My Location is set but the phone is left at home. Will transactions be denied outside of My Location area?
- A: It depends. CardValet performs a proximity check based on ZIP code or city, so if the merchant is close to home, the transactions are not denied.
- Q: Can I turn on My Location for a dependent’s card? How will it work?
- A: No. My Location is only effective for the enrolled member. To limit the dependent’s card, you can use the Region Location feature. You can set up to 3 regions using the map to designate the area. The regions are effective for all of the those using the same card number.
- Q: If a parent registers a card for a child, can the child change the controls on the card?
- A: Only cardholders with access to the user name and password to the CardValet app can modify the controls.
- Q: Can I block all international transactions?
- A: Yes. International transactions can be blocked using the Block International location control. Transactions are then limited to the United States.
- Q: Does Block International also block international Internet (card not present) transactions?
- A: No. The location controls are applicable to in-store transactions only.
- Q: Why is a transaction denied for My Location or My Regions when the merchant is physically located within the boundaries?
- A: CardValet compares the geographic location of the mobile device to the Merchant’s information that is sent with the transaction. It is possible the merchant’s address is not the physical location of the merchant, such as their corporate or regional address – causing the transaction to be denied.
- Q: Will recurring payments be affected by alerts I have setup?
- A: No, authorized recurrent payments will continue to process.
- Q: How do I turn off notifications at certain times, such as when they are sleeping?
- A: You can set the Do Not Disturb time, which will suppress notifications during the set time. Do note that some notifications will still be delivered, for example any transaction denial or any transactions that is a card-present authorization.
- Q: Are the alerts sent as email or push notifications to the device?
- A: CardValet alerts are sent as push notifications to the phone. The alerts also display under Messages in the CardValet app.
- Q: When is the low balance alert generated?
- A: Even if the available credit has fallen below the set threshold, CardValet only updates the available credit when the member logs into CardValet or when the member taps Refresh. Either of these situations will trigger an alert. There are no plans to generate low balance alerts in other situations.
- Q: Why did I receive an alert I did not set?
- A: Alerts are always sent for:
– Denied transactions
– Deposits
– Refunds
– When a shared user changes a control setting
– Card status changes - Q: Does the app show recent transaction history?
- A: Yes. The app shows the last 50 card-based transactions pending or posted within the last 30 days.
- Q: Member sets a threshold limit of $50; however member cannot fill up at certain gas stations. Why?
- A: Some merchant types preauthorize the card for an amount larger than the actual transaction amount. In this instance, the preauthorization amount must meet the threshold spend limit, otherwise transaction is denied.
- Q: Member sets a threshold limit of $50; however member gets more than $50 in gas. Why?
- A: CardValet controls are only invoked during authorization of a transaction. In some cases—such as gas stations—a card may be tested for validity by doing a $1 preauthorization and the actual transaction amount is charged to the card after the transaction.
- Q: What type of transactions display in CardValet?
- A: CardValet only shows transactions performed with the attached cards. It does not show the transactions without the card, such as teller transactions or bill pay to or from an account.